STUDENTS of Kidderminster’s Holy Trinity International and King Charles I shools will undertake a month-long expedition to Cambodia and Thailand this summer.

In July they will participate in the World Challenge Expeditions trip.

During their stay the students will first visit Ankor Wat before undertaking a gruelling six-day trek in the area of Chieng Mai in Northern Thailand. They will also, as part of their project, work in a children’s orphanage.

Emma Trickett, science teacher at King Charles I School, said: “The schools are very excited to take a group of students on a second expedition with World Challenge. The first one went really well and we all gained a lot from it.

“The experiences gained from such a trip are unforgettable and to visit Thailand and Cambodia for such a long time and at their age is the chance of a lifetime.

“The students have been excellent at getting involved with various fund-raising activities to help pay for the expedition, such as car boot sales, cake sales and hosting a variety performance and are continuing to organise more activities until we leave.’ Organised as part of the students' enrichment studies, previous joint school trips have included a history trip to Berlin and a World Challenge expedition to Ecuador, with photographs taken on their trips forming part of the students’ studies and displayed around the school for others to enjoy.

Assistant leader for Holy Trinity International School, geography teacher Ron Jackson, said: “Trips of this nature offer students an insight in to other cultures as well as offering firsthand experience of local geography, something which we can’t recreate within a classroom.

“As well as undertaking project work at a local orphanage, the students will have ample opportunity for some down time and to visit numerous islands to the east of Bangkok, making the whole trip an experience the students from both schools will never forget."