A CHARITY is celebrating the success of a Worcestershire project that supports people with learning disabilities to meet new people, make friends and have relationships.

Our Way Self Advocacy has recently welcomed the 100th member of its project, Stars in the Sky Worcestershire.

The project is part of a national organisation which was set up by three women with learning disabilities in London in 2005.

They wanted to find partners but were having difficultly in meeting like minded people, so they set up their own dating agency.

Stars in the Sky was the first, and still is, the largest dating agency for people with learning disabilities in the UK.

Development workers, Rachel Fernihough and Caroline Jones, said: “The need for the Worcestershire branch was so evident.

“For so long people with learning disabilities kept telling us that they wanted a dating agency that would be supportive, understanding and great fun.

“Our stumbling block was getting funding to get the agency started, but , thankfully, in 2009 we were successful and we have not looked back since. Everyone has been so positive.”

The project currently employs two people with learning disabilities and two development workers and receives funding from the Esmeé Fairburn Charitable Trust and Worcestershire County Council.

This has enabled the project to put on social events all over the county, including go-karting, parties, nightclubbing, meals out, competitions, a tour around Aston-Villa football club and walks.

The highlight of the year was the summer ball. The project also holds “single and mingle” nights and speed dating events, as well as regular training events on friendships and relationships.

Orgnaisers are looking for more women to join the agency and are holding a women’s opening morning on October 12.

They are also looking for more volunteers to become chaperones and supporters at the events. Chaperones help people to go on their dates. They will receive full training and expenses are paid.

For further details contact Our Way Self Advocacy on 01562 820262 or office@ourway.org.uk