ART enthusiasts can head to a Kidderminster cafe to enjoy a colourful display of paintings.

The exhibition, showcasing works by members of Art 4 the Terrified - classes for people who want to learn new skills - is being held at Natural Break in Blackwell Street and is hosted by the owners, Sandra and Nigel Wolfenden.

Stef Connolly, organiser of the classes, said: "I think it is really important that people can access art in an informal, relaxed setting without having to go to an art gallery.

"Art is for everyone to enjoy and the members of the classes really appreciate having somewhere to display their work. Many of the paintings are for sale.

"Some members are so proud of their work they won't part with them."

A donation from every painting sold will be made to Noah's Ark - a charity which supports bereaved children.

For more details, call 01746 785167, or e-mail