WYRE Forest MP Mark Garnier was among a minority of MPs who voted against a bill which will legalise same-sex marriage.

All MPs were given a “free vote” on the second reading of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill - which is strongly backed by Prime Minister David Cameron - yesterday meaning they did not have to vote along party lines.

The bill was passed by 400 votes to 175 and is likely to become statute, assuming it is passed through the House of Lords.

Mr Garnier had told constituents on Monday he would vote against the proposed legislation.

On his website he said he had received about 300 letters on the issue, with those against equal marriages outnumbering those in favour “by about 100 to one” and had listened to people on both sides of the debate.

Mr Garnier has talked further about the reasons for his vote and his views on same-sex marriage in this week’s Shuttle column which can be read HERE.