DETERMINED volunteers at Kidderminster Foodbank have vowed to carry on helping people in need despite a devastating break-in.

Thieves targeted Baxter Church – which houses the foodbank – twice in just four hours on Tuesday night and the early hours of Wednesday morning (January 3) this week causing damage and stealing a computer and cash.

Police are investigating the burglary, which has also prompted outrage on social media from shocked members of the community.

Maureen Lewis, Kidderminster Foodbank co-ordinator, said they have been left counting the cost of the incident but were set to open as normal on Friday (January 5).

The break-in came after the foodbank had been given huge support over Christmas, receiving more donations that ever before – including £600 worth of food and toiletries from Wyre Forest Labour group as well as festive gifts from schools, community groups and residents.

Statistics also showed the facility handed three-day emergency food supplies to 1760 people – including 1,000 children - in the town during 2016/17.

Maureen said: “They came at 10.30pm and stole the computer, food and cash and then came back at around 2.30am and just vandalised as far as we can ascertain.

“They broke all the doors – just kicked them in and destroyed all the surrounds so they will need to be replaced.

“They emptied all the lockers and filing cabinets, just looking for money. They stole food that could be sold off.

“The saddest thing is that I now have to buy a new computer and redo all the data, which will take a lot of time and frustration.

“In the meantime, we are opening again as usual on Friday morning as there are families out there who need our help. We were able to help some on Wednesday, in spite of the break-in.

“This is so sad after the lovely Christmas when we had more donations than we had ever had before.”

Anyone with any information is urged to contact West Mercia Police on 101.