WHEELCHAIR-friendly flower beds have been installed at a Kidderminster allotment to encourage more elderly and disabled people to get involved in gardening.

The Greatfield Road Kidderminster Allotment Society raised around £3,000 from membership fees and donations to install the four raised beds at the end of last year, and are now looking for new members to take them on.

Committee member Cynthia Styles said: "We had some excess ground and it was suggested that we get some raised beds for some of the very elderly people on our plot who can't cope with a whole allotment or bending and kneeling down.

"We got somebody in to slab in between them so they're wheelchair accessible and did the rest ourselves - cleaning up, making parking space and filling them with soil.

"We asked existing members if they wanted to take them on but they love the plots they have. So now we want to get some new members in to use them."

Anyone interested in taking on a raised bed can email Cynthia at cstyles929@googlemail.com or call 07714684433.