A PROPOSAL to designate council land in Kidderminster for a new urban village of 300 homes has been passed by Wyre Forest's cabinet.

Members agreed to proceed with plans to free up land at Churchfields, Horsefair and Clensmore Street - including part of St Mary's Long Stay Car Park - to create a new highway as part of the Churchfields Masterplan.

The plans, agreed in 2011, involve major road improvements, including remodelling the gyratory at Horsefair, making Blackwell Street one way, and creating a new link road access from the A456 Ringway roundabout through to Churchfields.

There will also be a dedicated 'left in left out' length and weight restricted access to Clensmore Street off the Ringway.

The development will reduce the number of parking spaces at St Mary's Car Park from 33 to 23.

Speaking at the cabinet meeting on Tuesday (March 26), Cllr Nathan Desmond said there would be some disruption to St Mary's Car Park during the works but said the council would work with the church to ensure parishioners are made aware.