VOLUNTEERS have joined forces to create a new pollinator garden in Brinton Park.

The garden is designed to help attract a wide range of pollinating insects like butterflies and bees, revitalising the park’s natural wildlife.

In total, 800 plants, purchased by Wyre Forest District Council, were installed by volunteers from the Emily Jordan Foundation (Twigs), West Midlands Butterfly Conservation, WFDC Ranger Service and Parks and Open Spaces teams

Anyone looking to take an active role in the future of Brinton Park can also volunteer to help with the Brinton Park Heritage Fund by emailing lesley.fox@wyreforestdc.gov.uk.

The project, coordinated by Wyre Forest District Council, launched a consultation exercise earlier this year to gather people’s ideas for developing the park, with more than 500 people taking part.

An application for a full grant to deliver the work is set to be submitted in February 2020.

Councillor Helen Dyke, cabinet member for culture, leisure and community protection said: “We’re delighted we have been able to plant a new pollinator garden in Brinton Park.

"It’s great that we have local volunteers willing to take a few hours out of their day to play an active role in the future of our parks and open spaces.

“A big thank you to West Midlands Butterfly Conservation for their help in planting the large bed of nectar-rich plants, and for donating an information board to accompany the site which will sit opposite the border.”