A NEW visitors’ car park at the Burlish Top nature reserve in Stourport is opening later this week.

The car park has 50 free car parking spaces and is located on the old Barhale compound off Kingsway, giving visitors easy access to the popular nature reserve, woods and Burlish Meadows.

It will open on Thursday April 1 at 1pm.

In December 2020, Wyre Forest District Council’s rangers and volunteers planted 18,000 trees at the former Burlish Park golf course. This was part of a joint plan between the council and Worcestershire Wildlife Trust to create a 600-acre nature reserve in the heart of the district between the towns of Kidderminster, Stourport and Bewdley.

As well as the tree planting the nature reserve now has two new wildlife pools. Large areas have been seeded with native wildflowers and sandy scrapes have also been created to encourage ground nesting bee populations.

Visitors to the nature reserve are being reminded to follow the government’s coronavirus guidelines.

Adam Hamilton, Wyre Forest District Council’s biodiversity and conservation officer said: “Over the past two years our rangers have been working really hard to turn the former Burlish Park golf course into a nature reserve.

“Our new free car park is a short walk away from our nature reserve, woods and meadows which are full of beautiful wildlife and great views to enjoy.

“If you visit any of our amazing reserves or green spaces, please make sure you keep playing your part to stop the spread of Covid-19 by following the government’s coronavirus guidelines.”