JOSEPH Friar was crowned king of Kidderminster Chess Club after he captured the prestigious Shuttle Shield after a compelling contest with arch rival John Wrench. 

Friar fought his way through previous rounds to end up facing fellow top seed Wrench  in the final. 

It was Friar who emerged with an endgame advantage which proved good enough for victory following a titatanic tussle. 

The shield was donated by the Kidderminster Shuttle back in the early 1950’s and has been  competed for by local players ever since on an annual basis. 

Kidderminster Chess Club meet every Wednesday at Habberley Social Club from 7pm when new members  are always welcome. Further details are available by contacting 07913 227402. 

Recent research has shown that the benefits of playing chess and the complex mental flexibility that is required for the game may offer protection against the development of dementia in later life