Go vegan to save the planet


Roger Meade (No mention of climate change, Opinion July 28) is right when he says “come the next General Election, vote in someone you can trust to get the job done” re properly dealing with the climate emergency.

However, members of the public can also play a big part in combatting the climate crisis simply by changing what they eat and drink.

Research carried out at the University of Oxford in 2018 showed that adopting a vegan diet is the single biggest way to reduce our impact on the planet, and a report published more recently in the Journal of Ecological Society comes to the conclusion that “animal agriculture is the leading cause of climate change, responsible for 87% of greenhouse gas emissions”.

More information about veganism can be found on the Vegan Society’s website at vegansociety.com

Hector Roux

Online opinion
Our online readers are never short of a comment. Here is what they had to say about some of our stories on kidderminstershuttle.co.uk

PLANS to regenerate Kidderminster have taken a step forward with the appointment of consultants to transform Worcester Street.

StraightOuttaHorseFair said: “There’s nothing inherently wrong with either the layout of Worcester Street or the Woolworths building. 
The problem is this town being run by fuddyduddies since time began, making out-of-touch decisions time and time again, driving away all the aspirational young people, killing the prospects for any interesting, modern businesses, thus leaving those of us that have a disposable income that doesn’t go on Stella and Amber Leaf no choice but to jump in the car and head to Merry Hill, Worcester or Birmingham for a day out shopping.
It’s not just local competition that is throttling Kiddy town centre though. We’re in the Midlands here and very well connected. We can be in Cheshire Oaks or Bicester Village in a couple of hours or less. Kidderminster’s problem isn’t the Woolworths building or the number and shape of the accessibility options to Worcester Street, it’s that the people in charge keep piddling money away on misguided ventures.”

Kath Day Knight said: “What an absolute waste of time and money!
I agree the Woolies building and the shops on that side of Worcester St should be demolished (don’t need to pay a consultant to come to that decision) BUT, don’t try regenerating town shops; instead, let’s have some town houses on streets going back from Worcester St, and possibly a shop on each corner, which, imo is far better than continuing the much criticised practise of building on green field sites ~ which is wrong on so many levels.
Mind you, I fear that I am old enough and wise enough to know that it matters not what we, the apparently clueless public, think ~ the council authorities always think they are superior, and know better ~ and will, therefore, do whatever they want anyway, as usual, wasting tax payers’ money yet again, so what’s the point??!!”

MP Mark Garnier was “shocked” to see a large amount of wet wipes and other unflushable products removed from a sewage treatment works in Kidderminster during a visit. 

allan54 said: “I can’t understand why these item’s are still being flushed down our toilets.
All packaging for these items are clearly marked “ flushable / non flushable “and have been for long enough now, come on people do your bit for your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future and at the same time help clean up our rivers and waterways.”