A SPATE of burglaries in Kidderminster has prompted police to leaflet householders advising basic security measures.

The Vulnerable Property Notices, which have the Safe as Houses logo, are being put through doors in the Sutton Park and Foley Park areas where there have been a number of recent burglaries in which small electrical items and purses have been stolen.

In some cases car keys - and the vehicles themselves - have also been taken.

Community support officers and police officers on patrol are putting the leaflets through doors where they have noticed, for example, doors or windows left insecure, homes in darkness in the evenings, valuable items left in the garden, post or milk left on display, overgrown foliage, tools or ladders left insecure, or entrance gates left open.

Householders are reminded while burglary remains a rare crime in Worcestershire, householders can significantly reduce their chances of becoming victims with basic precautions, such as keeping doors locked and not leaving the key on the inside of the door.

Other basic precautions include leaving a light on at night or using a timer to switch on a lamp when darkness falls, fitting mortice locks to external doors, and securing rear or side access gates.

People are also urged to contact police if they see anything suspicious on 08457 444888 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111. Always ring 999 if a crime is in progress.