A WEST Mercia policeman has been dismissed after he assaulted two officers whilst off-duty. 

A misconduct hearing for PC Kiaran Wain was held yesterday, Thursday, January 5, 2023.

The hearing, chaired by chief constable Pippa Mills, heard that PC Wain assaulted two police officers whilst he was off-duty in Shrewsbury on Thursday, October 13, 2022.

The following day he received a police caution for the assault on the two officers.

This week's hearing found that PC Wain breached the standard of professional behaviour for discreditable conduct.

It was found that his behaviour amounted to gross misconduct and ruled that he be dismissed without notice.

Chief constable Pippa Mills, said: "We will not tolerate anyone assaulting our officers, not least an off-duty officer who fully understands the challenges of the role and the difficulties that officers face on a daily basis. 

“We expect the highest standards of our officers both on and off duty and take any breach of these standards very seriously.

“PC Wain let himself, his colleagues, the force and our communities down with his actions.”

PC Wain will now be placed on the College of Policing Barred List and will not be employable within a UK Police Service.