A PLAN to install a new phone mast in Kidderminster has been refused by Wyre Forest District Council.

Cignal Infrastructure UK Ltd submitted a planning application to install a 15m high monopole on a grass verge near the junction of Heronswood Road and Captain's Pool Road in the Spennells area.

The purpose of the mast was to provide the latest 3G, 4G and 5G technologies to "ensure that coverage and capacity requirements in the area are maintained and enhanced," according to the developer. 

It was planned to be painted green to "assimilate with the backdrop of mature trees".

The proposal received objections from 18 members of the public on the council's website

Resident David Morton, who lives in nearby Jay Park Crescent, questioned the impact the "monstrosity" would have on the character of the surrounding area, which includes Heronswood School, conservation areas, and residences.

He said: "Masts of this type are an industrialising feature incongruous in this lovely area of nature reserves, wildlife, habitats, and biodiversity and devaluing the natural beauty of the area and of course property values".

Now, the council has decided to reject the "inappropriate" mast.

The planning officer said: "The proposed telecommunications installation, by virtue of its siting and appearance, would represent an inappropriate and incongruous utilitarian feature in the otherwise undeveloped streetscape on this section of Heronswood Road and would appear unduly prominent on the Captains Pool Road junction, and this harm would worsen in winter months when adjacent tree canopies are bare.

"Furthermore, the scheme would lead to harm to the wider character and appearance of the site as designated green space, where the site's proximity and association with the Spennells Valley Nature Reserve warrants additional special protections from development.

"Crucially, satellite natural green spaces such as these serve as important environmental corridors for wildlife, in addition to providing accessible green spaces free from development for the benefit of the health and wellbeing of communities".

Mr Morton added that he was delighted with the council’s decision and said “residents will be over the moon.”