POLICE say they are working hard to crack down on nuisance motorbikes in the Kidderminster area following an increase in reports about anti-social behaviour.

West Mercia Police say they have lately received an “increasing amount of reports of motorbikes being driven anti-socially” in the Habberley, Spennells, Comberton, Offmore and Aggborough areas of Kidderminster.

A police spokesperson said: “The reports include excess speed, careless or inconsiderate driving, using footpaths and alleyways and causing alarm to the general public.

“In many of these reports it’s hard to identify the offenders as their faces are obscured by masks or helmets and the bikes don’t have number plates.

“We understand that this is causing a lot of concern locally and so we’re working hard to crack down on it by increasing patrols in problem areas.”

Police have urged members of the public to help identify the riders or the locations frequented by nuisance biker riders to help officers tackle the problem.

People are asked to contact their local safer neighbourhood teams by emailing kidderminstereast.snt@westmercia.police.uk or kidderminsternorth.snt@westmercia.police.uk or call 101 or report concerns online at https://www.westmercia.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/.