A KIDDERMINSTER care home assistant took to the skies in a free-fall skydive raising £1000 for Dementia UK.

Holli Whitehouse joined the team at Foley Grange in 2021 as a laundry assistant, but soon decided that she wanted to work more closely with the residents in the home.

Holli, aged 27, said: "In my early twenties I spent time caring for my nan, so caring for others has always been something close to my heart.

"I have a great passion for supporting our residents at Foley Grange, who have inspired me to fundraise for Dementia UK.

"So many families are affected by dementia, so if I can do anything to help, I will".

Kidderminster Shuttle: Holli completes the skydiveHolli completes the skydive (Image: Foley Grange)

Jumping from a plane at 10,000 ft, Holli added: "It was an exhilarating experience, a once in a lifetime opportunity. I felt as light as a feather – sign me up to do it again."

Roger Roberts, a resident at Foley Grange, said: ‘Holli is so helpful, and she’s certainly braver than I am. I wouldn’t have even done this when I was younger, and I was in the Navy".

Hannah Atkinson, the Home Manager at Foley Grange, said: "We’re all incredibly proud of Holli. She’s a fantastic member of our team and the residents think the world of her.

"I also think she’s extremely brave jumping out of a plane at that height, but what an amazing thing to do for those living with dementia."