A KIDDERMINSTER carpet fitter has called it a day after spending 50 years in the same job. 

Colin Hatton was just 16 and a school leaver when he started work at Kidderminster Carpet Factory on Birmingham Road.

He went on to become head carpet fitter, gaining a reputation for being able to take on "tricky jobs."

Kidderminster Shuttle: Colin Hatton has retired after 50 years in the same job Colin Hatton has retired after 50 years in the same job (Image: Handout)

Colin says he has fitted "thousands and thousands" of carpets over the five decades and has made many happy memories, with staff at the firm like a "family."

Colleagues staged a surprise farewell party for the 66-year-old married father-of-two on Friday May 3 at the Elms Hotel in Abberley.

Julie Roberts, whose dad Fred Needham started the firm, said: "Colin's the best carpet fitter you could ever find - we will really miss him.

"He's quiet, reliable and hardworking. He would do anything for anyone.

"We held a surprise carpet-themed retirement party for him - he thought he was just going to the pub!

Kidderminster Shuttle: The carpet-themed table decoration's at Colin's retirement party The carpet-themed table decoration's at Colin's retirement party (Image: Handout)

"The table was decorated with underlay for table place mats and vases made from carpet tubing and gripper.

"The ice buckets were adhesive tubs."

Colin, who is married with two grown-up children, attended Birchen Coppice and Harry Cheshire schools.

He is a season ticket holder at Kidderminster Harriers and has been a fan of the team since age four.

Kidderminster Shuttle: Pic from the Shuttle in 1989. Left to right Mr. Fred Needham, Mr. Colin Hatton, Mr. David NeedhamPic from the Shuttle in 1989. Left to right Mr. Fred Needham, Mr. Colin Hatton, Mr. David Needham (Image: The Shuttle)

He said losing his sister last year after she had just retired made him re-evaluate and he decided to call it a day. 

He said: "It's more of a family as a lot of the people there have worked there a long time.

"It's been lovely to work there - that's why I stayed so long.

"I've fitted thousands and thousands of carpets. It's been interesting, I've travelled all over the country and have seen lots of different houses.

"I won't be able to keep away - I'll be popping in a lot for a cuppa and there's always a place there for me if I want to go back!"