A VILLAGE project supporting people in the area is seeking volunteers.

Wolverley Memorial Community Café is looking for those who can help with serving drinks and snacks for just a few hours each week .

Manager of the Memorial Hall-based café Beth Featherstone says every little helps .

“Even if you can only offer a couple of hours a week it would be a great help,” said Beth.

“We are a charity and having volunteers working in the café helps us to keep our costs down.”

Elisha Brown from Wolverley has been volunteering for a few hours each week since February this year.

The 23-year-old says working in the café is good experience for her while she sorts out her long-term career plan.

“It’s a really friendly place to work,” said Elisha.

“We’re known as a ‘chatty café’ welcoming people of all ages.”

Jules Adams, 54 and from Kidderminster, is a new volunteer. She serves in the café just a few hours occasionally on a flexible basis to fit in with her full-time job as a sister at Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley.

Jules said: “I really wanted to support this local charity café with all the wonderful initiatives like ‘warm space’ and ‘stay connected’.

“It’s unique in the area, offering a friendly, relaxing place to meet.”

Anyone interested in volunteering at the café can contact Beth on 07837 402983.