RESIDENTS are gutted that green fields earmarked for new homes have now been fenced off.

The land, known locally as The Snipes, is a popular green space used by walkers at Areley Common near Stourport.

However, people have shared their sadness at parts of the land being fenced off on the We Love Stourport Past and Present Facebook page.

It comes as plans to build 145 new homes on land off Areley Common were previously submitted to Wyre Forest District Council.

Facebook user Michael Rowles said: "It's just awful to see a part of The Snipes fenced off but nothing surprises me anymore".

David Wiggins called it an "absolute tragedy" and remarked, "one day there will be no green land left."

Kidderminster Shuttle: Parts of The Snipes have been fenced off

Graham Reeves said it's a "travesty for the wildlife and the area."

Stuart Knott added that it's "really really sad" and had "many a happy memory over the Snipes".

According to the planning application, submitted by Miller Homes Limited, a range of dwelling spaces would be provided to "meet the housing needs of the area". 

The proposals also include suitable drainage, public open space, landscaping and vehicular access points. 

The company added that they wanted to "create a place that is accessible to everyone, which makes everyone feel comfortable, safe and secure and a place where people want to live."

Kidderminster Shuttle: Parts of The Snipes have been fenced off

It also highlighted the connectivity to neighbouring towns including Kidderminster and said there were opportunities for residents to cycle, walk and take public transport to work. 

The plans have been controversial, with more than 100 objections being made on the Wyre Forest District Council planning portal. 

The reasons for the objections include the increase in traffic, the loss of green space, and the pressure on existing infrastructure.

The planning application is now pending consideration.