A PLAN to revamp the Grade II listed Piano Building and introduce mini golf and a micro-brewery has been lodged.

Wyre Forest District Council are seeking to transform the site, which was previously home to Birmingham Metropolitan College's Kidderminster Academy.

Proposals for the historic site include creating a new bar/café, 'soft play café, office space, micro-brewery, entertainment venue, featuring mini golf, a new enhanced lobby and outdoor events space.

In February this year, Wyre Forest District Council’s Cabinet agreed to purchase the Piano Building and adjacent bus station from previous owners Nuveen.

The council's takeover of the building, which was first built as a wool warehouse by Brintons in 1867, has been funded through the Government’s £17.9m Levelling Up Fund (LUF) grant for Kidderminster.

Councillor Dan Morehead, Wyre Forest District Council’s cabinet member for economic regeneration, planning and the green agenda said: “We’re pleased to see the plans for this striking building going before the Planning Committee.

“Our vision for the Piano Building is to make it an attractive destination for workers and for people coming into town to meet up and enjoy food and drinks. 

"By day, the building will be home to businesses, co-working and flexible working spaces. We are pleased to see this important town centre heritage asset being brought back to life.

“The building is already attracting private sector investment with firm interest from potential occupiers who see their future success in this landmark building.

"This is one of the strategic aims of the project - to act as a catalyst for further activity and investment in the town centre, bringing in new uses and increasing footfall.

James Speller, managing director of Malvern-based company Speller Metcalfe, who will deliver the scheme, added: “We’re delighted to see that a planning application has been submitted for the refurbishment of the Piano Building in Kidderminster.

"As a local contractor who is already on site working in the town centre, we know how much this scheme will positively impact the community and increase the number of facilities on offer.”