ANGRY residents continue to voice their objections over a plan to build nine new homes in a garden.

A planning application was recently submitted to Wyre Forest District Council for the new homes on land at 154 St John's Avenue in Kidderminster, which is near two schools.

However, residents have raised concerns over the proposals, including increased traffic on the road, which has been described as a "rat run."

The plan has received more than 20 objections on the council’s planning website.

Vic Mcdonald, who has lived next to the site for 25 years, said he was “totally shocked” when he saw the plans.

He said there are a “few issues” with the plan, including its impact on traffic, and the proposed location of the bin collection area.

Kidderminster Shuttle: The road leading to the siteThe road leading to the site (Image: Vic Mcdonald)

Mr Mcdonald said: “It’s going to affect us massively. God knows what it’s going to look like when it’s all finished”.

One objector on the council's planning website said their main issue is with "extra traffic on which is an already busy road."

They said that the development is near a "blind, sharp bend" and that school parking during term time already impacts "residents' ability to get on and off own drives".

They added: "There would need to be double yellow lines on each side of the road and other traffic management to avoid accidents".

Another objector said: "This development should not be allowed.

"St John's Avenue is already used as a rat run with speeding vehicles going to Habberley estate with the extra houses they are building up there the matter is only going to get worse".

Another resident said: "Traffic is already extreme at school times and parents park on the double yellows and do not let you through so we are already inundated with cars at school drop off and pick up.

"Double yellow lines would not be sufficient to deal with the extra flow of traffic and the new residents turning into the proposed site".

Kidderminster Shuttle: The site of the proposed development The site of the proposed development (Image: Google)

Another said: "Very happy that the land is being developed but 9 houses feels very much an over dense use of the land especially the line of houses along the back of the development".

There is currently a "substantial dwelling" and outbuildings on the 0.7-hectare site. The applicant is seeking to demolish the current garage and outbuildings and build the new detached homes.

The plan also includes the refurbishment of the existing home and its extension, to include replacement garages.

According to the planning statement, the homes would each have a minimum of three parking spaces and two visitor parking spaces, whilst the current property will also have three spaces plus a double garage.

To the north of the site is Baxter College and St John's Church of England Primary School.

The planning statement says: "It is considered that this scheme will represent a sympathetic addition to the street scene.

"It would not have a negative impact on any important trees within the site and will respect the amenity of its neighbours.

"In our opinion it will comply with the relevant policies of the adopted Local Plan and is a sustainable location for further residential development".