NEW food hygiene ratings have been awarded to six of Wyre Forest’s establishments, the Food Standards Agency’s website shows – and it’s good news for them all.

Lorne House at 14-15 Lorne Street, Kidderminster, Park Life Café at Wyre Forest At Go Ape, Callow Hill, Rock and Captain Cod Restaurant at 42a Comberton Hill, Kidderminster have all been given five-star ratings. 

The Old Waggon & Horses at 91 Kidderminster Road, Bewdley, The Running Horse at Long Bank, Bewdley and China Garden at 8 High Street, Stourport also received top marks. 

All the establishments were inspected earlier this month.

The ratings are published on the Food Standards Agency’s website which rates businesses from zero to five so customers can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food.

A rating of five means hygiene standards are very good, four means hygiene standards are good, three means hygiene standards are generally satisfactory, two means some improvement is necessary, a rating of one means major improvement is necessary and a rating of zero means urgent improvement is required.