A MIDLANDS television presenter visited a charity-run project to congratulate the volunteers on joining the Chatty Café scheme.

Nick Owen headed to Wolverley Memorial Community Café where a ‘chatter and natter’ table allows lonely people to enjoy some company and have a friendly chat.

“It’s a really good idea for the local community,” said Nick.

“The volunteers at the café told me all about the initiatives they have signed up to like ‘warm space’ and ‘staying connected’, welcoming everyone from all walks of life.

"Chatty Café encourages people who are on their own to come along and meet up and have someone to talk to.”

“We were very excited to meet Nick,” said café manager Beth Featherstone.

“He was really interested in the ideas we have to encourage people to come in.

“We pride ourselves on being a friendly place where everyone receives a warm welcome.

“The chatter and natter table is currently available on Thursday afternoons from 1.30pm to 3.30pm and we’re hoping to recruit more volunteers so we can extend those times.”

The first volunteer recruited to the scheme is Sev Munkley who said she wanted to do something worthwhile near where she lives.

“I like talking and meeting people,” said Sev.

“I sit at the chatter and natter table and have a chat to anyone who wants to talk.

“It makes me feel good if I can brighten someone’s day.”

Anyone interested in volunteering to help out at the café can contact Beth Featherstone on 07837 402983.