RESIDENTS are invited to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Kidderminster on Thursday (June 6).

A host of services will be held in at St Mary and All Saints Church in recognition of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

At 7.55am there will be the Town Crier Proclamation by Stephen Day, and at 8am, a bagpipes Tribute to William (Bill) Millin played by Craig Swarbrick - The Celtic Piper and Standard Bearer supported by Kidderminster Branch of RBL.

At12noon there will be a midday remembrance on D Day service held by The Venerable Hayward Osborne.

At 6.30pm there will be bellringing by St Mary’s Society of Change Ringers and friends.

There will be another town crier proclamation and bagpipes tribute at 9.05pm

At 9.15pm there will be a tribute by mayor councillor George Connolly and lighting of lamp light of peace to be followed by bagpipes.

There will be a standard bearer and bugle to end the anniversary event supported by Kidderminster Branch of RBL.