Plans to build 145 homes between Worcester and Stourport are being tweaked by the developer.

But residents are once again raising flooding concerns over the building of housing on the site.

Miller Homes got approval for the huge new estate, which will be built on Areley Common in Astley Cross, on appeal last year.

Both Malvern Hills District Council and Wyre Forest District Council had previously refused the plans.

A new application seeks to change the wording of the outline planning approval given at the appeal stage to include a new water drainage strategy.

Planning documents claim the new strategy, which includes a series of swales and an attenuation basin, is more sustainable.

But residents have objected to the latest proposal, saying they are worried about the impact the scheme will have on existing houses.

Claire Cartwright said: "The area will not cope with all these extra houses. The drainage proposed looks like it will flood existing houses along Areley Common and the new houses off Pearl Lane.

"Wildlife habitats will be destroyed. The local road network will not cope. It takes over half an hour to get over the bridge into Stourport town most days."

David Williams said the site is often waterlogged for prolonged periods of time.

"I consider the proposal will be neither effective nor sufficient to prevent long term persistent flooding in the area," he added.

Susan Brown said: "For years we have been objecting to this development with planning refused by both councils numerous times and yet it was allowed to go for appeal and approved, how did this happen?"

Diane Parsons said: "Since the Ramblers Gate development was built on the opposite side of the B4196 impeding the run-off water from this site there has been unprecedented flooding making the road impassable on occasion."

Jonathan Cooper said: "During the last thirty years, the field has never at any stage been used to farm on, in fact all it's ever been is a greenfield, and the reason why is probably down to the fact it floods.

"Within yards of the proposed housing development lies a boggy area, which in times of wet periods floods out onto the very field where housing is to be erected."

A spokesperson for Miller Homes, said: “Miller Homes has high standards for the homes we build, ensuring they are in desirable places to live and that our customers are delighted with them.

"Our carefully designed plans for 145 new homes at Areley Common ensure that no plots will be built on any local flood zone.

"Our drainage strategy complies with all planning conditions and recommendations from the local authority. We have a proven track record for delivering high-quality, sustainable new homes across the West Midlands and we look forward providing more in Astley Cross.”