TALENTED basketball players are celebrating after clinching the South West final.

The result makes the 12-strong squad at Stourport High School the best out of 60 year seven teams in the Junior National Basketball Association region.

The team topped their league and knock-out play-offs to secure a place in the finals at the University of West England, Bristol.

With each team playing under the name of a NBA pro team, Stourport’s Milwaukee Bucks beat The New York Knicks by 17 points in the semi-finals and in a nail-biting final against Portland Trailblazers came out on top with a three-point lead.

Worcestershire New Teacher of the Year finalist, Stourport High PE teacher and basketball coach Sam Coles, said: “They were amazing, the lads played their hearts out and are well-deserved winners.”

Star player Alfie Waldron, 12, also smashed the shooting competition by scoring 11 points in one minute.

The school launched an elite basketball programme for sixth-formers last September, adding to its already established elite rugby programme.

The courses combine first-class coaching and games with students’ academic studies for those aiming for a career in the sports, either as professional players or in off-pitch roles.

Principal Sara Peace said: “The elite programmes also have a positive impact on sport for students in the lower years as this result clearly demonstrates.

“We are so proud of our year seven team whose determination, dedication and skill has paid off magnificently and we are so grateful to Mr Coles.

"He is a superb coach and committed to providing the best opportunities and guidance for our students to reach their potential.”

As well as being crowned league champions, each player received a championship ring and each school taking part was given an NBA Basketball England kit.