A splashpad at a park in Kidderminster has reopened after it was forced to close over a week ago due to a health and safety incident. 

Wyre Forest District Council and Brinton Park Heritage Fund said they were pleased to announce that the splashpad at Brinton Park would reopen today (Wednesday, June 12). 

The splashpad was forced to close on Sunday, June 2 and remained out of action last week as chlorine levels were too high and the team needed to wait for the results of water sample testing. 

Brinton Park Heritage Fund has now reissued a plea for parents and carers to ensure little ones use the toilet before enjoying the facility or wear swim nappies if not toilet trained.

A spokesperson for Brinton Park Heritage Fund said: "We are pleased to announce our splashpad has reopened today, Wednesday, June 12. The splashpad opening hours are 11am to 5pm daily.

"Please help us keep the splashpad clean and safe (and open!) by following the safety tips and advice. If your child is not toilet trained, they should be wearing a swim nappy. Thank you."