A car key burglar is facing two years behind bars after stealing a car in Kidderminster. 

Hassan Khan, aged 19, of Keeley Street, Birmingham, was found guilty of car key burglary and theft of a motor vehicle by a judge at Worcester Crown Court on Monday, June 17. 

Khan committed a car key burglary on Ludlow Road in Kidderminster on October 25, 2023, stealing the keys to a Mercedes car before making off in the vehicle. 

He was sentenced to two years and four months following the investigation led by detectives in north Worcestershire's proactive CID team. 

The investigation is part of Op Enzyme, West Mercia Police's cross-border partnership operation to combat car key burglaries and other vehicle-related offences in and around Kidderminster, Bromsgrove and Redditch. 

Detective Constable Rob Freer, of North Worcestershire LPA's Proactive CID team, said: "We are pleased to get this good result from the court which puts a car key burglar behind bars as part of Op Enzyme. 

"Acquisitive crimes such as motor vehicle theft not only affect the victim but also have a wider impact on the rest of society as it pushes up insurance premiums and costs to the consumer.

"Such thefts are sometimes linked to organised crime gangs who often prey on vulnerable people and whose actions reap harm on the communities we are here to protect and serve."