The UK's first ever Coconut Shy Championship will be hosted by Kidderminster this summer.

The competition, organised by rum brand Old J Spiced Rum, was created to celebrate the launch of the producer's latest flavour, Old J Coconut, and will see members of the public and hospitality venues compete against each other for a chance to win some prizes.

Attendees are encouraged to get stuck into the game from 1pm onwards by knocking down six coconuts as fast as they can, with the fastest successful throwers at the end of the day being put towards the national scoreboard.

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Wayne Barber, landlord at host venue The Chester Tavern said: "We are delighted to be partnering with Old J to host the first National Coconut Shy Championships, right here in Kidderminster."

"Although we are yet to see much of the sun, it will be the perfect way to kick start summer in our spacious beer garden – taking place alongside our Gin & Rum Festival - and hopefully, Kidderminster will be home to the overall Coconut Shy Champion.”

Brand manager for the rum brand, Nic Ponticakis said: "Old J has always been a brand that breaks away from the norm, doesn’t take life too seriously and does things a little tongue-in-cheek.

“Summer is finally here, Old J has a new flavour out, and so what better way to celebrate than launching the UK’s first national Coconut Shy Championships.”

In addition to the competition, attendees will have the opportunity to sample the new rum before its official launch.

The new rum will be available to purchase across the UK from July.

The competition will be taking place on Saturday, July 6 during the Gin & Rum Festival.