STARS of the beloved BBC sitcom 'Allo 'Allo! were welcomed to the Severn Valley Railway as part of its Step Back to the 1940s events.

The heritage railway hailed the events, which transported visitors back to the time of the Second World War, as a "huge success."

As well as the decorated stations, intensive services and costumed re-enactors, several members of the cast from the popular 1980s sitcom, Herr Flick, Helga, Lieutenant Gruber, Officer Crabtree and Flying Officer Carstairs were posted to The Engine House at Highley, where they signed autographs and posed for photographs with visitors.

There was entertainment by singers recreating the glamour of the 1940s, and authentic set-ups of period shops, homes, allotments and air raid shelters at various locations.

Co-chair of the event, David Brattan, said: "This year's event has been a huge success, with well in excess of 6,000 visitors across the two weekends.

"If it hadn’t been for the bad weather and the England Euros match during the second weekend, the numbers would have been even higher.

"On behalf of the committee, we’d like to express our thanks to all the staff and volunteers who helped operate the railway during the event which saw huge numbers of visitors, especially on the first weekend".

Paul Bowler, the other co-chair, added: "Alongside the hugely popular cast of 'Allo 'Allo! we had a large number of singers adding a great atmosphere to the railway, and entertainment from many costumed re-enactors including policemen, shopkeepers, the Rt Hon Winston Churchill and a group of evacuees".

The SVR’s Step Back to the 1940s weekend events took place on June 29 and 30, and July 6 and 7.