AN urban explorer has filmed the inside of a derelict Kidderminster pub which fallen into a "state of disrepair".

A video posted by Youtuber Urban Exploring UK shows the current state of the Broadwaters Inn, which closed some years ago.

The footage shows the old bar which has been "ripped up" and walls that have been stripped of wiring. Old barrels are also found in the cellar of the pub.

The Youtuber could not venture upstairs in the pub due to "rotten flooring."

The Youtuber has explained that he never forces entry to sites, only explores sites that are accessible and only takes photos and videos.

The Youtuber said: "You would honestly think this place has been shut for 20 plus years judging by the condition it’s in.

"Nothing is really left here now and all the copper and wiring has been stripped from the place.

"We could only do downstairs as it’s too dangerous upstairs because of the rotten flooring.

"There was a feeling of sadness there because it would have been a thriving pub at one point.

"There was nothing left of any value in there".

He added: "The old pubs - they tell a lot of stories.

"I've explored places in the past where I've actually been to when its open.

"When we visit something that's no more, it's sad".

The Youtuber has visited other abandoned sites around Worcestershire.

He previously explored inside the former Stourport Sports Centre which has been hit by vandalism.

READ MORE: Footage shows derelict Stourport Sports Centre 'absolutely trashed'

The once popular site, on Harold Davies Drive, was home to a swimming pool and several gymnasiums.

The video shows rooms inside the building "absolutely trashed," with graffiti covering the walls.