ORGANISERS and users of a community project are celebrating after receiving National Lottery funding.

The Community Café at Wolverley Memorial Hall has been awarded £12,500 to support the costs of running the venue over the next two years.

Wolverley Memorial Charitable Trust founded the café in 2023 with the aim of it becoming a community hub — a friendly, welcoming place where local people can ‘eat, drink and meet’.

The café, which has a part-time paid manager assisted by volunteers, is currently only open for limited hours on three days per week.

The funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, which distributes money raised by the National Lottery Players, will hopefully mean the café opening hours can be extended in the future.

Graham Wallis, chair of trustees of the Wolverley Memorial Charitable Trust, said: “We’re delighted that the National Lottery Community Fund has recognised our efforts and supported us in this way.

“The funding will bridge the gap between our income and expenses until we become well established and able to stand on our own two feet.

“The café is becoming known in the local area with initiatives such as ‘warm space’, ‘stay connected’ and ‘chatty café’.

“Everyone is welcome.”