PLANS to develop a new caravan park on green belt land have been refused by the local authority.

An application was submitted to Wyre Forest District Council for nine caravans, on land off Wilden Top Road, near Stourport.

However, the planning officer has refused the permission in principle application to change the use of the land for reasons including its "detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the countryside".

Residents previously shared their objections to the plans on the council's planning website.

One resident said that it's "sad to see more land developed on green land. He said that the "roads aren't adequate or in good order" and that the plan was "not in keeping with the character of the area".

Another objector said that traffic is already heavy in Wilden and that there's "too much development in the area without infrastructures to facilitate it."

One resident supported the plan and said "It seems very fitting to the local surroundings."

The planning officer said that the change of use of the land and the positioning of nine residential caravans "would not preserve the openness of the green belt".

The planning report also notes that the application does not include drainage details and that the applicant has not demonstrated as part of the application how the proposed development would meet any local housing need.

The planning officer concluded: "The proposed change of use of the agricultural field to a caravan site would result in a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the countryside and harm the intrinsic character and beauty of the landscape".

"The development is therefore unacceptable in principle due to its rural location, proposed land use and the amount of development proposed".