A grandmother from Worcestershire has raised over £1,000 for a children's hospital that saved her grandson's life. 

Sally Beckett took on the huge challenge of climbing Ben Nevis with her teenage grandchildren, Charlie and Sam Dawes, to raise funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital (BCH). 

The 73-year-old, who lives in Bromsgrove, chose to support the hospital after they performed open heart surgery on Charlie when he was just 13 days old in 2009. 

The family completed the challenge on Wednesday, July 24 and managed to raise more than £1,300 for the charity. 

Ms Beckett said: "The mountain was very precarious with weather conditions changing within minutes from a sunny day to mist and fog and high winds. 

"We had to look down constantly to make sure we didn't stumble or fall. As we climbed the mountain there was a lot of mist that obscured what would have been the most amazing views. 

"At no point did I ever think that I would not reach the summit as I did not want to let my family, friends or the BCH down. I certainly did not want to let my grandsons down."

Sally Beckett with Charlie and Sam Dawes Sally Beckett with Charlie and Sam Dawes (Image: Sally Beckett)

The group set off at around 8.15am and arrived back at the visitor centre at 3.45pm. 

Ms Beckett has described the experience as "wonderful" and "exhilarating" and said they managed to witness spectacular views on their descent. 

During the trek, the family event got to see helicopters overhead carrying bags of stones and boulders to make repairs to the paths. 

Ms Beckett said they chose to do a charity climb as her grandchildren love going on walks with her and spending time away from the computer. 

As well as raising money for BCH, the family are also doing the climb in memory of Nickey Cleere who died suddenly earlier this year. 

She was a much-loved and hard-working staff member of the fundraising team at BCH and a colleague of Ms Beckett's daughter Claire Dawes. 

The family raised money for Birmingham Children's Hospital The family raised money for Birmingham Children's Hospital (Image: Sally Beckett)

Ms Beckett added: "It was a wonderful and exhilarating experience and one of those many memories that I will never forget.

"We walked in memory of Nickey Cleere, who was a member of the BCH charity team.

"She died far too early and was most loved by family, friends and colleagues. It was a very sad and unexpected loss."

Donations are still being accepted on the Just Giving page until October 22. 

To donate visit www.justgiving.com/page/sallybeckett2