A PLAN to convert a former Victorian workhouse into new flats has been given the thumbs up.

An application was submitted to the local authority last year to transform the building, which is located at Kidderminster Hospital, into eight new apartments.

The building, which is understood to date from 1874, was last used for offices by the NHS circa 2007.

The development, put forward by applicant Oliver Chester Construction Services Limited, will feature a mix of one and two-bed flats. 

Changes to the exterior of the original building are restricted so that it retains its traditional character and appearance.

The proposals also include the demolition of the existing single-storey 20th-century extension and the erection of a new two-storey extension to provide a further four 2-bed units over two floors to the north and east side of the building. Associated parking is also a part of the plan.

In the planning statement, developers said: "The proposals would provide 8no. small one and two-bed apartments that meets an identified need for such accommodation, in a highly sustainable brownfield location.

"The proposed development would not have any detrimental impact in terms of highway safety; landscape character; biodiversity habitat; or residential amenity. The proposals would also not adversely affect delivery and function of existing NHS services at the wider Kidderminster General Hospital site."

The planning application has now been approved by Wyre Forest District Council.

In planning officer said: "The design of the proposed conversion has been carefully considered to ensure that the exterior remains generally unchanged, whilst facilitating the proposed use, and the design of the two-storey extension has taken into account the importance of the non-designated heritage asset.

"It is considered that any less than substantial harm would be offset by the public benefits, including the need to secure an optimum viable and long-term use of this building, which is appropriate to its setting within a residential edge of town centre position".