COMPLAINTS have been raised over "Kidderminster's noisiest drain cover" which has been plaguing residents.

The manhole cover, on Sutton Park Road, is in a "deteriorated state", and one resident says it resembles a gunshot sound when cars drive over it.

In a letter sent to the Shuttle by Michael Sellman, he said: "Our community is facing safety concerns and significant noise pollution due to a severely damaged manhole cover on Sutton Park Road.

"The manhole cover in question has been compromised, posing a serious risk to motorists and pedestrians.

"Its deteriorated state has led to loud double bangs — resembling gunshots — every time a vehicle passes over it.

"The frequency of traffic traversing this hazardous cover exceeds 300 cars per day.

"As a result, residents living within earshot are enduring daily and nightly nightmares of disrupted sleep and heightened anxiety.

We cannot allow this situation to persist any longer.

"The damaged manhole cover has disrupted our lives for over four months and we urgently seek resolution".

Ian Miller, chief executive of Wyre Forest District Council, agreed with Mr Sellman's comments and shared a video of the noisy manhole cover on X, formerly Twitter.

Addressing Worcestershire County Council, he said that a repair hasn't solved the issue and that a new hole is opening. 

He said: "The repair hasn't solved the problem of Kidderminster's noisiest drain cover.

"A new hole is opening up because of movement and sonic damage. Try again, please".

A spokesperson for Worcestershire County Council, said: “We have raised the issue with Severn Trent Water, and they will be undertaking the work as soon as possible.”