STAFF at Specsavers are on the lookout for litter on Stourport Road as part of the local authority's Adopt a Street scheme.

Specsavers and its manufacturing company Lens Online are the first businesses to join in the council's scheme which is open to local businesses, residents, community groups and schools that are helping to keep the area looking clean and tidy.

Wyre Forest District Council launched the campaign as part of a community effort to encourage people to take pride in where they live and work.

Rachel Baldwin, warehouse manager from Specsavers and Lens Online said: “We have a group of volunteers that have been litter picking on the Stourport for a couple of years.

"Once we became aware of the Adopt a Street scheme earlier this year, we signed up with Wyre Forest District Council and our litter picking volunteers are as enthusiastic than ever, turning out once a month rain or shine. The rubbish collected is disposed of through our existing recycling system.”

In addition to businesses, new community litter picking groups have already been formed on the Walshes and Areley Kings estate in Stourport.

As part of the scheme, volunteers let the council know the area they wish to adopt and are provided with litter picking equipment, bags and health and safety information.

Councillor Ben Brookes, Wyre Forest District Council’s cabinet member for operational services has signed up and adopted the street where he lives.

He said: “We all need to do our bit for the environment and there is no better place to start than in your own street or road. You don’t need to commit a huge amount of time to cleaning, even a five-minute pick can really make a difference, so please consider adopting your local area and helping to keep it litter free".

To sign up to Adopt a Street and for more information visit the Wyre Forest District Council website.