KIND-hearted teachers at Kidderminster’s Baxter College raised more than £1,500 cycling 200 miles to help give a group of students a life-enhancing opportunity at a specialist residential centre.

The eight-strong team cycled to Bath on Saturday (September 14), via Monmouth and over Symonds Yat and returned to Kidderminster on Sunday.

The money raised will go towards the cost of sending 12 students, mainly from years 7 and 8, to Jamie’s Farm in Monmouth, next March, where they will experience life on a working livestock farm, taking part in work activities and challenges to enhance life skills.

Back to school after their 200-mile cycle ride (from left) Dave Garbett, Mitch Weaver, John Deakin, Dan Cruickshanks, Matthew Carpenter, Iain Richards, Steve Harris and Katie BeechBaxter College cycle team (from left): Dan Cruickshanks, Katie Beech, Iain Richards, Steve Harris, Dave Garbett, Matthew Carpenter, John Deakin, Mike Coles (support) and Mitch WeaverThe sponsored cycle ride is the third by Baxter College staff to help fund the week-long stays at the residential centre, with previous visits in 2021 and 2023.

The team have raised £1,535 so far and their JustGiving page is still open for donations.

Alternative provision coordinator John Deakin said: “The benefits for students can be massive. They take part in a lot of confidence and team-building activities. The experience has made a real difference to students who have gone previously and is something they remember well and talk about.”

Headteacher Katie Beech, who also took part, added: “We are so grateful to all those who supported our cycle ride and look forward to sending our students for a life-enhancing experience at the amazing Jamie’s Farm.”