A DRONE user who shares videos of Wyre Forest from high above has expressed frustration after a laser was shone at the device whilst it was flying.

In a video shared on Facebook, a drone camera captures Kidderminster at night, before a red light from a laser pen appears to be shone at the device.

The Kidderminster Drone Facebook page regularly shares videos showing a bird's eye view of the Wyre Forest.

The drone user said the laser could have caused damage to the device. 

They said: "I am not looking to report anyone, just to highlight the dangers.

"I only started this page to show my work. I have been blown away by all the thousands of views I get and messages from all over the world.

"I only do what I do for the people of the town and villages it would be a shame if a laser pen brought it to an end.

"I believe it can damage the sensors, but mine was ok.

"It is very much so illegal. When flying a drone you are classed as a pilot and must not be distracted".