A plan has been submitted to turn a former dry cleaner into a micro bar and café in Bewdley. 

The application, which was submitted to Wyre Forest District Council over the summer, is seeking a change of use to The Laundry Room, which is now permanently closed. 

The building, which is currently vacant, is located at 45 Load Street and covers a site of around 79.5 sq metres. 

The proposals have suggested the micro bar and café would be open daily from 8am until 11pm and provide employment opportunities for two full-time and two part-time staff. 

There will be no major alterations to the building and the visual appearance will remain the same. 

A new drainage system will be connected to the mains and internal finishes will be low maintenance including low-energy light fittings. 

In the heritage statement, the applicants said: "The proposal does not involve any structural work to the property including the retaining of the original timber posts and beams. 

"The existing shop front, including the two entrance doors, is set to be retained in its entirety but repainted internally to suit the new interior finish.

"Existing pedestrian accesses are to be retained, therefore access for the emergency services and utility vehicles remain unchanged."

The applicant said they had taken into account the nearby public parking facilities and they hope the micro bar and café will become part of the wide variety of outlets available to shoppers, residents and visitors to the town. 

The outcome of the application is still pending consideration but so far the council's conservation officer, Worcestershire County Council's Archive And Archaeology Service and the parish council have raised no objections. 

The Nuisance Assessment Team (WRS) has raised concerns over potential noise levels and sound insulation for the applicant to address. 

The residential buildings above the shop are not part of the application. 

To view the full planning application search 24/0487/FUL on the Wyre Forest District Council planning portal website.