A CONTROVERSIAL planning application for up to 1450 homes which residents fear could "cause absolute chaos" is set to be decided by Wyre Forest District Council next week.

More than 500 people have objected to the proposed Woven Oaks development, on farmland off Comberton Road in Kidderminster, since the application was submitted to the local authority in March 2022.

The proposal, which has been altered over the years, includes plans for affordable housing, as well as a primary school, older persons accommodation, retail facilities and a community hub.

But residents have raised a smorgasbord of issues with the plan, ranging from traffic and pollution concerns, to claims beryllium, loose asbestos and chrysotile was found on the field.

Sophie and Ollie Swain previously created an action group called 'Residents Against Woven Oaks' and a petition against the plans on change.org, which gathered hundreds of signatures.

They are fearful the development will increase congestion and road accidents on roads around the site, describing the plans as "insanity".

Hundreds of people have also lodged objections on the council's planning website.

One objector said: "Kidderminster is struggling to cope with the current population as it is. The roads are backed up. Roadworks cause absolute chaos".

Another said: "There are plenty is under-developed areas that could be used for housing rather than reducing even more green space and the impact on nature.

"Furthermore, we are extremely concerned about overdevelopment leading to high rise in traffic and pollution and the additional strains on public services".

Another added: "The roads in this area are already extremely congested at peak times. This will add additional journey time and pollution for anyone trying to commute from or through Kidderminster in all directions.

"Why not develop vacant properties in the town centre and encourage commuters to use bus or rail services".

The planning application is recommended for delegated approval and will be decided by Wyre Forest District Council's planning committee at its upcoming meeting on Tuesday (October 15).