I REALISE that the building of several hundred houses on Pearl Lane is now happening, however, I do believe it is incumbent on the contractors constructing this estate to act in a safe manner when entering and exiting the site.

There is a daily/sometimes hourly procession of lorries travelling up Pearl Lane to the Dunley Road crossroads, making it very difficult /dangerous for those exiting Cotswold Avenue to enter Pearl Lane.

This is compounded by lorries parking near to the junction of Pearl Lane and Cotswold Avenue, making visibility when exiting the road very difficult and a safety hazard.

This will no doubt continue for many months combined with a lorry travelling slowly along Pearl Lane throughout the day in both directions to clear the mud and debris from the road surface.

This is the price residents will pay to have I don’t know how many cars added to the never-ending queues travelling slowly along the Dunley Road several times each day into Stourport.

I wonder how many potential residents of these houses know what they are letting themselves in for?

Martin Gavin


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