SANTA Claus himself is set to visit the streets of Bewdley to spread Christmas cheer.

From Friday, December 6, Bewdley Rotary will host its Santa sleigh events, collecting donations for various charities and good causes.

The Rotary Club has said that Santa and his helpers strive to visit as many Bewdley streets as possible.

On Friday, December 6, the Santa sleigh will visit the Wribbenhall estate and Catchems End. On Saturday, December 7, they will visit Bewdley Town Centre, Wyre Hill and Dowles Road.

And on Tuesday, December 10, the Santa sleigh will visit Bark Hill and Hales Park residents. The Santa sleigh will be running from 4.30pm until 8pm on each day.

If they miss you at home, or if you'd like to meet Santa, have a chat, and take photos, people can visit Bewdley Town Centre on Saturday, December 14 from 10am until 3pm.

The Rotarians have also arranged for Santa to visit Morrisons in Kidderminster on Friday, December 13 from 12noon until 6pm.