Pupils from Burlish Park Primary school were given VIP treatment when they were invited to spend an afternoon at Barnett Hill Nursery following vandalism at the school allotment in July.

The nursery came to the rescue after hearing how seeds, and, gardening equipment had been stolen immediately prior to the school summer holiday break.

Matt Organ contacted the school after hearing about their plight. He offered to show the youngsters round the nursery to choose some seeds and plants to replace those that were stolen.

Mrs Lynda Williams, eco-schools and allotment co-coordinator said ‘The children were really upset when our allotment was vandalised in July. They could not understand why anyone would want to steal seeds and gardening equipment and pull up plants and throw them around We were thrilled when Mr. Organ contacted us to offer their help and support. The children had a really enjoyable afternoon choosing various varieties of vegetable seeds which they will plant in the spring. They also learnt about the process of grafting grape vines as well as what to look for when choosing a healthy plant.

Since the allotment was vandalised we have been overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity that has been offered to the school from the local community”