Possible cure for hospital ills


Good letter in the Shuttle by Mr. E. Rochester advocating the very things that Dr Taylor has been campaigning for.

Restoring full A & E services at Kidderminster will be very expensive but increasing the service at Kidderminster by the very obvious step of combining the Minor Injuries and Out of Hours service under a proper doctor would greatly relieve the pressure intolerable pressure on Worcester Royal where the A and E services are beyond inadequate.

The Clinical Commissioning Group and the Acute Trust are not providing the people of Wyre Forest with an adequate service

Peter Young

More investment needed


Before 1974 Stourport council was ran by Labour councillors and was the envy of the district, after 1974 when Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative government was in power it was decided to reshuffle the boundaries, so Stourport, Bewdley and Kidderminster came under one umbrella and was called Wyre Forest district.

Since then we in Stourport have seen our town go down hill ,we pay the highest property tax in the district, we have in Bridge Street, shops closed and have been for some years, they are in desperate need of repair and renovation.

When will our elected MP Mark Garnier and our local councillors push for investment for these properties, and also in Stourport, like he has done for Kidderminster?

Name supplied

Spend on staff not building


Recent headlines in the local press “Trauma Patients moved from the Alexandra Redditch to Worcestershire Royal” and in fact centralising and transferring many services to Worcester including pathology, maternity and stroke has been the core belief of the Worcestershire Acute NHS Hospitals Trust for years culminating in their Acute Service Review of July 2017.

Consequently it is not surprising few people knew of the changes to be sprung upon us within 24 hours, let alone which hospital to attend. Hopefully Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust mismanagement has now reached its nemesis.

Prolonged waiting times at Worcestershire Royal, delayed admissions for many hours, have infuriated paramedics and the ambulance service, not least the patients, leading many to despair.

The Trust has only one solution, more centralisation of A&E services at Worcestershire Royal Hospital and in consequence its recent planning application for a new “A&E Village” on the Worcestershire Royal hospital site having a budget of £15million.

Unfortunately land set aside set to allow 100% expansion of the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch has been recklessly sold off to the highest bidder by the Trust.

I suggest this sum, together with a further £15million already secured by local MPs, would better serve a campaign to train, recruit and employ what is needed, more A&E medical staff and not for more money to be spent on even more bricks and mortar at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

Restore FULL A&E services at the Alexandra Hospital Redditch and provide FULL A&E services at Kidderminster Hospital locally where services are needed and meet the A&E demand proportionally across all three hospitals, reduce pressure on the West Midland Ambulance Service and much improve conditions for the exhausted ambulance crews and paramedics.

How else can this this fiasco be resolved?

E Rochester