I AM totally opposed to the building of the Tesco superstore (or any other superstore) at the proposed site (or any other site) in Stourport.

I used to live in Birmingham and have witnessed first hand the devastation to local shops and communities once the door is opened to any large retail concern.

The local shops and businesses, that may have been handed down in families through the years, disappear as they cannot compete. Along with their disappearance goes the community spirit and feel.

Then the small shops become empty and the streets are taken over by vandals, graffiti and unsocial behaviour. Then crime rates rise and you suddenly find that you are living in a totally unsafe environment. I know that this may sound drastic, but I have seen it happen time after time in Birmingham.

No matter what "bribes" Tesco may be offering, nothing can make up for what would be lost. I urge people to consider the long term consequences.