WITH regard to `School held back £50,000' by Mrs J Ravenscroft (Letters, July 13) I feel it is vital to voice the opinion of the majority of parents whose children are fortunate enough to be schooled at Far Forest .

Firstly, the £50,000 that she refers to was money allocated to all schools for the Wyre Forest Review.

This was a one-off payment given in the 2005 autumn term and was to be spent as the school saw fit. As there was uncertainty as to the future role of the school it was prudently decided by the governors not to make any decisions on how to spend the money until assured of the school's fate. I have every faith that the governors acted, as always, in the very best interests of the children.

Secondly, the school has run mixed age classes for a number of years and was doing this when Mrs Ravenscroft chose to send her children there so this was not as a consequence of the Wyre Forest Review.

Following the review, Far Forest School, because of its excellent reputation, has secured primary school status. This has resulted in the siting of two additional temporary classrooms and an extra 2.5 teachers, two teaching assistants and a lunch-time supervisor for the academic year starting this September.

The latest Ofsted report (November 2005) endorsed the school's esteem by stating it "offers sound value for money".

I believe that Far Forest is a financially sound organisation, run in an exemplary manner by the staff and governors.

It has been my pleasure to send both my daughters to the school, and one has been in the class of 36 and I have been totally satisfied with the academic progress she has made during the year.

If Mrs Ravenscroft feels so strongly, albeit misguidedly, that Far Forest has failed her children I would suggest she exercises her parental right to relocate them to a school she believes is better funded.


Cleobury Road, Bewdley