Would you be willing to support KEMP Hospice’s ‘Hair 4 Hospice’ week from the 7th-13th October by colouring or restyling your hair in a wacky way, or why not shave it off all in the name of charity?

If you don’t fancy doing something that drastic, then why not ask your friends and family to sponsor you to visit your local hair salon in Kidderminster and you can still donate money to the appeal.

Kidderminster Shuttle:


Participating salons will be displaying a ‘Hair 4 Hospice’ poster in the window and all donations will help to make a huge difference to the many patients reliant on the free services for KEMP Hospice.

What your donation will help buy: £2.50 will pay for a pampering session, £5.00 will cover a Day Hospice lunch, £10.00 will help KEMP provide a creative therapy and £20.00 is enough for a complementary therapy session.

If you would like to know more or to find out how you can donate, then please contact the fundraising team at KEMP on 01562 756066 or email: fundraising@kemphospice.org.uk