The club finished off 2013 in style with a November supper at Clent Parish Hall.

There was a full house, a good meal and they finished off the evening with entertainment from Richard Westcott, who entertained members with his experiences as a pantomime dame. Richard brought a few of his various outfits with him and modelled not only the outfits, but also the face make-up and pantomime songs. A good time was had by all.

This year began with the usual January AGM, where the chairman, Pat Orme, and treasurer, Julian Traves, were voted in for a further 12 months, but the secretary, Janet Babb, was replaced by Anne Hunt; Anne was welcomed to the fold.

The club has a full programme for 2014, beginning with Rob and Diane Cole on February 28 with a talk entitled “Look at that”. Anyone interested in either joining or just visiting the club can get further details by visiting clentgardeningclub. or by contacting chairman Pat Orme on 01384 394451.