CLOWS TOP & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB: September is a time to be gathering in the harvest and autumn colours begin to appear with a distinct chill in the morning air. The effects of the shortening days are now quite noticeable. So it’s time to move frost-tender plants indoors. Summer seems to be barely over before thoughts of next spring begin. Buy spring bulbs for the garden early to get the best choice of varieties.

Many jobs still to be done. Deadhead Roses, Cut back Perennials and fork over yours beds and borders for one good round of thorough weeding should keep them mostly tidy until the following spring. Clean out cold frames and greenhouses ready for autumn use.

At the July meeting Paul Benson, gave an interesting talk on work done by the Burford House Angels.

The Burford House Gardens had become over grown and with several flooding’s was in need of some TLC. No money was available to pay gardeners, so voluntary group was set up. It’s a group of volunteers who meet every Sunday every other week throughout the year. They are making a big difference in restoring the garden to its former glory. The garden is open to the public. It is free entry to the garden but any donations are welcome with contributions given to the Greenfingers Charity.

If you’re not a member then come along and join us at one of our monthly meetings. It’s a great opportunity for you to share your thoughts, ideas and advice with other members. We have a great programme of speakers as well as Evening visits to local gardens. Our Garden Club has a very friendly atmosphere, everyone is welcome. Don’t be afraid to come along, we are a garden club not a horticulture society, the membership is only £10 pa. However, Non-members are welcome to any monthly meeting.

The next meeting will be on September 28 and the speaker for the evening will be Paul Cook, plus it’s the clubs Autumn Show.

On October 26, New Zealand with Ray Sturdy.

The club meet the fourth Wednesday in the calendar month at Clows Top Victory Hall; Doors open 7.30pm, for the speaker at 8pm.

Admission Fee: members £2 or non-members £4,free refreshments.

Further details from Marion Wilson 01299 270475 or